The Association shall be called the North Gloucestershire Chess Association.
The aim of the Association shall be the promotion of chess within that part of the county of Gloucestershire north of and including Dursley and
all that part of the county west of the River Severn.
The management of the Association shall be in the hands of the Executive Committee comprising:
i. The following officers to be elected at each Annual General Meeting: President, Hon Secretary, Hon Treasurer, League Secretary, Match
Captain, Webmaster and up to two further officers.
ii. a) Any nominated delegate from the Association to any other Association.
b) One representative from each club.
4. A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by either
a) The President or
b) Not fewer than five of the Executive.
5. The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in September.
6. The Executive Committee shall manage the affairs of the NGCA in accordance with the rules decided at the AGM of the Association.
7. Any request for a change in the Constitution or the league rules must be received in writing by the Hon Sec not later than June 1st and shall be
included in the notice convening the following AGM. In order to be carried, any proposed change to
i) The constitution requires a vote of at least two thirds of those present.
ii) The league rules requires a majority of the votes cast.
iii) Amendments to proposed changes to the league rules may be accepted from the floor of the AGM for debate. In order to be carried such
amendments will require the vote of at least two thirds of those present.
iv) Any change in the constitution takes effect immediately after the close of the AGM at which it is approved.
8. Any person who is, or was in the previous 12 months, a member of any club or other organization which fielded a team in the North
Gloucestershire League in the last full season is eligible to vote at the AGM.
9. In the event of the dissolution of the Association all funds and trophies of the Association shall pass to the English Chess Federation unless
otherwise directed by a General Meeting of the Association.
The annual subscription to the league shall be specified at the AGM. Each team shall be supplied free of charge with a copy of the fixture list, a
copy of the rules, a list of team captains, a list of club venues and a list of starting times for matches.
There shall be five players in a team.
Teams shall compete in divisions. The number of teams in each division shall be decided at the AGM.
(a) All new teams shall start in the bottom division, unless given permission to enter a higher division.
(b) In each division other than the top division, the top team shall play in the next higher division in the following season.
(c) In each division other than the bottom division, the bottom team shall play in the next lower division in the following season.
(d) The number of teams promoted and relegated may be varied at the discretion of the AGM.
(e)All other teams shall remain in the same division as in the previous season.
5. Each team shall play every other team in the same division twice, once at home and once away, except that if any division contains fewer than
seven teams they shall play each other three times. The venue for the third match is to be decided by the person or persons responsible for the
production and distribution of the fixture list.
6. (a) The position of teams in a division shall be decided by match points- two points for a win, one point each for a draw.
(b) If two or more teams have equal match points, the higher position shall go to the team with more game points.
(c) If there is still a tie, the positions shall be decided by the total scores in the matches between the teams concerned.
(d) If there is still a tie, the elimination rule shall be applied.
(a) A player who has played for one team in a division shall not be eligible to play for another team in that division, except that where a club
has two teams in a division, they are allowed to field a reserve even if he/she/they has previously been a reserve for the other team. Once a reserve
has played four times for one team, he/she/they is no longer allowed to play for the other team.
To qualify as a reserve (in the first division) the player must be ranked 11th or lower in the club (ideally by ECF grading).
To qualify as a reserve (not in the first division):
If the club has no teams in higher divisions the player must be ranked 11th or lower;
If the club has one team in higher divisions the player must be ranked 16th or lower;
And so on moving down 5 places in the list
(b) A player who has played for one club shall not be eligible to play for another club without prior registration of the second club with the
League Secretary.
(c) Junior players may play for two clubs.
Ratings limits apply to the eligibility of players to play in the lower divisions. There is no limit on the ratings of players in Division 1 or the
Superleague. The rating limits are as follows:
For Division 2 no player shall have a rating above 2000
For Division 3 no player shall have a rating above 1750
For Division 4 no player shall have a rating above 1550
The September rating list is to be used as the basis for calculations.
In exceptional circumstances a captain may play someone over the permitted rating limit In this case then they should notify the League Secretary
and the opposing captain as soon as is practicable. The opposing captain may then, if they wish and able, field a player of roughly similar strength.
(i) The proposed rating limits should apply only to players with a K or A rating. Players who start the season either unrated or with a P rating should
be eligible to compete in any division, but if they achieve a K or A rating during the course of the season then that rating should be used to
determine their eligibility for the rest of the season.
(ii) Rating limits should only apply to teams where a club has a team in a higher division or if the team in question finished first in the division in the
previous season but declined promotion at the start of the current season
Any breach of the rules on the eligibility of players shall be subject to the automatic forfeit of two match points by the offending team,
providing the offence is brought to the attention of the League Secretary within four weeks of the date of the relevant match.
The League Secretary may adjust the result of the match as he sees fit.
(a) Except as provided by this rule, matches shall be played on the date shown on the fixture list.
(b) By mutual agreement Team Captains may rearrange Match Dates without reference to the League Secretary. The League Secretary shall be
informed by both captains, before the date shown in the fixture list, of any such rearranged date. In any dispute the League Secretary’s decision
shall be final.
(c) A team canceling a fixture or failing to play on the date shown in the fixture list shall lose the match by default unless a rearranged fixture is
sanctioned by the League Secretary.
The league Secretary shall not sanction a rearranged fixture unless he has received not later than the date shown on the fixture list a request from
one of the captains and is satisfied that the circumstances are exceptional.
(d) If the non-defaulting captain agrees to a rearranged fixture, he shall offer three dates before May 31st on the same day of the week as the
original fixture provided that the dates are free for both clubs.
(e) If the defaulting captain fails to agree a date offered under paragraph (d), his team shall lose the fixture by default.
(f) Captains may agree to play a match before the date shown on the fixture list without reference to the League Secretary.
(g) Any match not played by May 31st shall be void.
(a) A team may be penalized if in the opinion of the Executive Committee, it seeks to obtain an unfair advantage by playing players other than
in order of strength.
(b) A known default shall be on bottom board.
(c) Every third board default shall forfeit one match point. Matches lost by default shall not count towards this.
After the names of players have been written down in board order by both captains; for matches in Divisions 1 and 2 the away side shall have
white on odd numbered boards and black on even numbered boards; in Divisions 3 and 4 a coin shall be tossed to decide which captain shall have
a choice of colour on alternate boards.
(a) Every club shall publish the starting time of their home matches.
(b) All clocks shall be started at the commencement of the match (which will not be before the published starting time).
(c) (i) Before the commencement of the match, a captain may make changes to their team, subject to player eligibility, rearranging the board
order appropriately. If this happens after the coin toss has taken place (as per Rule 12), the opposing captain may request a re-toss.
(ii) Within 30 minutes of the commencement of the match, a captain may substitute a player not playing in the match in place of a player
failing to keep their appointment, provided that the substitute is willing to play and both the opponent and the opposing captain agree to the
substitution. The clocks will not be adjusted (so the substitute will have less time to start with).
(iii) If no substitution is made, and the original player is not ready to start within 30 minutes of the commencement of the match, then that
player shall default the game.
(d) There shall be no smoking in the playing room.
(a) The home side is responsible for ensuring that clocks are available for all boards. On any board where a suitable clock is not available the
home team will be deemed to have defaulted the board. In divisions 1,2 and 3 the match shall be either of 3 hours or of 2 ½ hours duration. It will
be of 3 hours unless both captains on 2 ½ hours or if one of the captains has a good reason for insisting on 2 ½ hours = (e.g. the venue cannot
support 3 hours, the players are mostly juniors, players are mostly seniors). Initially each player will have 1 ½ hours on the clock if the match is of 3
hours duration and 1 ¼ hours on the clock if the match is of 2 ½ hours duration.
(b) (i) Where suitable digital clocks are available, and at the discretion of the home side, the rate of play on the top boards (all boards if there
are enough such clocks) shall be incremental, specifically: in divisions 1,2 and 3 Match 3 hours: 1 ¼ hours each plus 10 seconds per move: Match 2 ½
hours: 1 hour each plus 10 seconds per move: Division 4 50 minutes plus 10 seconds per move and the rate of play for the remaining boards (if any)
shall be quickplay, specifically: Match 3 hours: 1 ½ hours each: Match 2 ½ hours: 1 ¼ hours each: Division 4 1 hour each. Otherwise the rate of play
for all boards will be quickplay, as specified above.
(ii) An exception to Rule 14 b(i) is that if a board involves a blind or visually disabled player not using a suitable digital clock, the rate of play for
that board shall be quickplay as specified by that rule.
The following rules based on the FIDE Laws of Chess will apply
If both flags have fallen and it is impossible to establish which flag fell first the game is drawn.
If a player has less than 5 minutes on the clock, then he is not obliged to record the moves.
If the game is being played without increments then a player may claim a draw when he has less than two minutes left on his clock and before
his flag falls. This concludes the game.
He may claim on the basis:-
that his opponent cannot win by normal means, or
that his opponent has been making no effort to win by normal means
In (ii) the player must write down the final position and submit an up-to-date scoresheet, which must be completed before play has ceased.
The opponent must verify both the scoresheet and the final position.
The claim must be discussed by the players and if it is not resolved must be submitted to the two captains. Claims remaining unresolved must be
submitted to the League Secretary who would refer it to an arbiter whose decision would be final.
The clock must be pressed by the hand which makes the move on the board.
In Division 4 keeping score during the game is not compulsory, but is to be encouraged.
16. (a) During a match conversation between team members must be kept to a minimum.
(b) Except where the League Secretary has appointed an arbiter for a particular match, the functions of an arbiter as prescribed by the Laws of
FIDE shall be exercised jointly by both captains.
(c) The opposing captain may point out that a player’s flag has fallen.
(d) A captain may not give his players advice of any kind
(e) If asked by one of his players whether he should accept a draw, a captain must confine himself to stating the current score in the match.
(a) The results shall be sent by the winning team, or by both teams in the event of a tie, and (apart from defaults) shall count for grading
(b) If the result of a match is not notified to the League Secretary within nine days of the date of the match on the fixture list, or the date of the
rearranged fixture sanctioned by the League Secretary, that match shall be scored as a default by both teams, but the results will still count for
grading purposes.
18. (a) The rules of FIDE shall apply to league games only in so far as consistent with these rules.
(b) The rule banning players from having a mobile phone with them shall not apply.
(c)(i) Any player whose mobile phone makes an audible noise shall receive a warning (written on the match results sheet) for the first offence
claimed and shall lose their game for any subsequent offence during the same game.
(ii) A player who has a reasonable necessity may request permission of the captains to keep their phone switched on in silent mode.
A player who, without such permission, makes or answers a phone call or text or consults a mobile phone other than to switch it off shall lose
their game immediately.
(d)On all question of interpreting or applying these rules or the rules of FIDE the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.
(e) The result of a game or match played in breach of these rules for which no penalty is prescribed shall stand unless the Executive Committee
directs otherwise.
19. If a decision of the Executive Committee is required before a meeting of the Executive can be arranged, the League Secretary may take such a
decision as he thinks fit and submit it to the next meeting of the Executive Committee for ratification.
20. (a) No consideration shall be required to be given to a complaint relating to the conduct of a game or match unless a letter or an email
explaining the facts in not more than 200 words is submitted by the opposing captain to the League Secretary within nine days of the match.
(b) On receipt of a complaint under paragraph (a) the League Secretary shall notify the other captain of the complaint and shall notify both
captains of the date of the Executive Committee meeting at which the complaint will be discussed.
(c) In any dispute the decision of the Executive Committee shall be final.
Summer League Rules
Each club having teams in the North Gloucestershire League can enter a team or teams. Each team shall have four (4) players. A player may
only play for 1 team in this competition.
Results should be emailed to the League Secretary (Robert Wilden at robert@helios.me.uk ) All games will be sent for ECF rating purposes.
A fixture list and list of captains and venues will be issued prior to commencement of the tournament. Clubs may, by mutual agreement,
rearrange any fixture if so desired. All rearrangements must be notified to the league secretary. All fixtures should be completed by July 31st.
The time control will be 20 minutes plus 10 seconds per move increment.
Teams will play two matches on the same night. For the first of these the home side will all play with the white pieces. For the second match the
visitors will all play with white.
1 game point will be awarded for a win, ½ for a draw and 0 for a loss.
A handicap adjustment will be applied to the final result as follows.
Before each match commences the total ECF ratings for each side will be calculated (using the latest published rating list*).
a. If the total difference in ratings between the teams is less than 300 no adjustment shall be applied.
b. If the total difference in ratings between the teams is 301-600 then ½ game point will be added to the lower rated side’s score and ½ point
subtracted from that of the higher rated team.
c. If the total difference in ratings between the teams is 601-900 then 1 game point will be added to the lower rated side’s score and 1 point
subtracted from that of the higher rated team.
d. If the total difference in ratings between the teams is 901 or higher, then 1 ½ game points will be added to the lower rated side’s score and 1
½ points subtracted from that of the higher rated team.
*Where a player has an “A” rapid play rating this should be used.
If a player has a “K” rapid play rating this should be used unless there is a difference of more than 100 between this and their “A” or “K”
Standard play rating. In which case the higher of the two ratings shall apply.
If a player has a “P” or “H” rapid rating and an “A” or “K” standard play rating then their standard play rating should be used.
If a player has a “P” or “H” rapid rating and a “P” or “H” standard play rating then the average of these two ratings should be used.
If a player has no rapid play rating then their standard play rating shall be used.
In the event of a player being unrated an estimated rating of no less than 1300 will be agreed.
The agreed rating should be based on any previous rating the player has had, online ratings, etc. As far as possible estimated ratings for
unrated players should be agreed with the League Secretary before they are fielded.
Any player having a published grade of less than 1100 shall be recorded as having an 1100 rating.
Wherever possible a default or defaults should always be on the bottom, or, in the event of multiple defaults, lowest boards. In the event of a
default, the defaulting player(s) shall be assumed to have a rating equivalent to the average rating of their team members on the boards above
the defaulted board(s), or, if this is lower than that of the player(s) defaulted against, the same rating as their opponent(s). For defaults on
board 1, the defaulting player will be assumed to have a rating 100 points higher than the player on board 2, or, if this is lower than that of the
player defaulted against, the same rating as their opponent.
League points will be awarded based on the result after the handicap has been applied, 2 for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. In the event of a
tie league positions will be determined on the basis of board difference, followed by results of individual matches between the tied teams. If
still tied the lower rated team, in their individual encounters will be awarded the higher league position.